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online degree
Perhaps you
will use your desktop computer for your coursework but just in case
something does happen, you can rely on your laptop or another computer
at a friends home.
online degrees
You have already gone to
college or perhaps you never were able to go to college in the first
place. It is quite simple. In many cases, these learning objectives are
set in place to allow individuals to get the best type of learning
program based on what the coursework is and the need of that student is.
You can, in some fields of study and in some schools, advance to
Doctorate levels of education through the E Degree programs. You are
about to start on your E Degree career. All of this is done in real
time. |
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Online University Degree |
Online Degree From
Chapter 10: The Challenges
Lets be honest here. Earning an E Degree is not something that everyone
needs or should do. The fact is that the experience of the college
atmosphere is something that can not be duplicated in that of the
standard E Degree program. And, while we believe the E learning is a
wonderful way to learn, we have to point out the simple facts that there
are some people it may not be right for.
Your Own Learning
When it comes to your education, you are your own best and worst enemy.
One of the most essential problems that those that are involved with E
Degree programs will have is keeping themselves on track. It is very
easy to push off you work for another day or for you to do later. Those
that are no good at managing their time can easily find themselves
behind the game. This can be very costly to someone that is looking to
actually make something of their degree.
To state this simple, you will gain quite a bit of freedom and
flexibility when it comes to obtaining your degree online. At the same
time, you will find that this freedom can be the worst part of the
entire learning experience as well.
To remedy this problem, it is essential that you keep yourself motivated
to excel. Know what your goals are, post them near your computer and
reflect on them daily. Realize that your first dedication needs to be to
your education simply because your future depends on it.
If you find that you are not a person that can manage time wisely or you
are someone that needs more structure in place, E Degree programs may
not be right for you.
It Broke
While the dog can not eat your homework, the internet can. With this
type of learning you are dependant on your computer and your internet
connection. When and if it fails, you are sure to find yourself
struggling to get your course work completed.
To solve this problem, you may want to take into consideration a back up
plan. Perhaps you will use your desktop computer for your coursework but
just in case something does happen, you can rely on your laptop or
another computer at a friends home.
In addition to this, you need to realize that you may need to hone your
computer skills to be successful as well. You will need to stop and
insure that you know how to use the necessary software programs. If you
are not good at typing, then it may be beneficial to take a quick course
to improve this.
Its Not For Me
Another problem that you may face is having to actually deal with a
computer monitor instead of a face. Some people do not do well without
the personal interaction of a teacher and other students. Some students
are wired to not be able to do well without having things like eye
contact and personal interaction.
In addition to this, you may need to learn just how to communicate more
effectively through the web. You will need to be able to type out your
feelings, concerns, discussions and thoughts rather than saying them.
Not everyone is capable of doing this right off the bat. But, there are
plenty of individuals that can learn it successfully.
As we have said throughout this e-book, you need to start off by making
sure that E Degree learning is the right type of learning for your
needs. There are bond to be issues that come up. You may not like it.
Or, you may just not have the time that you thought you had to dedicate
to getting your degree.
In any case, your goals should be to focus on finding the right type of
degree program for your specific talents and abilities. Believe it or
not, the E Degree does work well for many people. Only you can decide,
though, if you are one of those people.
In any case, now you have had a look at what the normal practice is
likely to be for your E Degree.
Online Degree University
Give yourself every opportunity to get ahead. Online learning allows you
to do the course work, the homework and even the lecturing aspects of
the course of study on the web or on your computer. Again, here are some
additional questions to ask of your school to help check off the schools
that are not right for you. If the school is accredited, take a few
minutes to verify which organization accredited the school.
You are a mother and have a job. In some courses you will need to
purchase or rent textbooks for your degree study. The E Degree is a
powerful tool to have and to use. |